Restore health and strength
100% result
Psychologist, osteopath, hypnotherapist, esotericist, magician
Build a family and love
Find meaning in life and money

Sam Dolia

Esotericism — ways and methods of working with clients' requests, based not just on a strict scientific approach
This technique helps to find the key traumatic event in the past, break the connection with it and then build a constructive model of behavior in today.

Say goodbye to destructive patterns of your behavior, and change your life radically. Return your Will, your meaning of life, and your interests. Stop being afraid, become a confident, successful person.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) - is caused by a strong single or often repeated living of the state of stress. It is manifested by anxiety, stiffness in social interaction, fear, that blocks your life.

Reception 1.5 hours
Cost 10000 rubles
Any of the services may be denied without explanation, please be understanding and find another specialist.
Sam Dolia
Psychologist, osteopath, hypnotherapist, esotericist, magician
I am interested in self-improvement and self-healing, finding balance and success in life, business and family. For the last 16 years this has been my profession and my hobby.

During this time hundreds of my clients have solved their problems, got rid of "incurable" diseases, created a successful business, forgave enemies and found peace in their souls. They got rid of alcoholism and drug addiction, saved themselves and their loved ones.
By the age of 30, I had maxed out my health and my life. I will not describe sad stories here, I will only say that for 15 years I had been professionally testing myself and this world, and the world turned out to be stronger.

I thought I had come to the end, but it turned out to be a start! As long as we're alive, anything is possible. The very essence of life is change. And it's up to you and me to make those changes.

I had to work hard on myself. Each step of my development was not easy for me. But by developing an interest in the process and overcoming difficulties I was able to turn the process of transformation into a fascinating quest that continues to this day. Join us

Sam Dolia
I have a family - a wife and two adorable daughters. We have been together for 16 years now, and our daughters are now 10 and 13 years old.

Description of family life in three phrases:

1. Every day I have the opportunity to become better, more mature, more interesting, more positive, etc., and if this process is slowed down I am immediately signaled about it!

2. I know what kept me from being happy as a child and now I have the opportunity to lead my children down a different path.

3. The question about the meaning of life is gone. It is in my power to change the course of history and to let the branch of my family on another, qualitatively different, level of development!
About money and self-realization
After being a salaried employee, I realized that I was uncomfortable and started to try myself in different business projects.

Following my interests, I opened several tea clubs and stores, created tasty and cozy cafes, opened a restaurant, tried my hand at real estate, construction, fitness industry, I was good at launching and maintaining my projects, but I did not feel at my best, something was missing for comfort, balance and perfection!

The process doesn't stand still, something closes and something starts up again.

An abiding interest in the field of human health and helping others remains unchanged
The theme of health and longevity brought me to the study of this issue and developed into a professional activity. The basis for a successful practice was not only knowledge and experience, but also the discovery of my vocation and predisposition to this business. Examining myself and following the signals of my body, I restored my health, and got rid of a couple of "incurable" diseases. I feel much better now than I did in my 25s.

I like traveling. I try to visit different places on our planet. In my opinion, it is useful to change the environment 4 times a year, in spring, summer, fall and winter ge. It is good to get new impressions and learn about the world! I organize trips with the whole family, as far as solo travel.
  • Biological centering
    Health System, School of Dr. Chikurov Y.V. Moscow, 2020
    Specialist of the School of Biological Centering with the right of training
  • Craniosacral therapy CCT
    Moscow branch of the Upledger Institute (USA)
    Moscow, 2019
  • Psychologist
    Department of Psychology, St. Petersburg State University
    St. Petersburg, 2012
  • Medical massage
    St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
    St. Petersburg, 2011
  • Specialist in working with addictive behavior
    International school for specialists in the field of addictions, Training at the Stefan Batory Foundation
    Poland / Belarus, 2007
  • Social work in narcology
    Advanced training
    St. Petersburg, 2007
  • Resonance acupuncture
    Dr. Plotnikov's School of Somatic Integration
    Moscow, 2021
  • Psychokinetic drawing
    Nikita Istomin, 2021
  • Personal elaboration, supervision
    In the practice of personal transformation since 2005
    Regular professional development, individual work with leading specialists
  • 20+ professional development programs
  • 400+ hours of personal training with supervisors
Since 2007
I started to work as a group psychologist, later mastered in individual counseling. Today I work as a group, family and individual counselor.
The Four Spheres Method
The main advantage of my method is a comprehensive approach and a comprehensive understanding of processes for me it is really important to understand them, correct and explain in simple terms to my client:
  • 1
    Why a particular problem occurs
  • 2
    What situation, thought or action provoked destructive changes in the body
  • 3
    How they developed, were compensated for and what manifested themselves in what way
  • 4
    What kind of work with the body and mind can be done to remove the disease and return ease to life
Life in balance
I'm 46 now and I'm really interested in how my life will unfold next!
It is important that I am not just offering you some methodology, I live this way myself!

My comfort, my interest in life are the results of my professional and personal growth.

For 15 years I have been studying and practicing various methods in my life. Moving from the complex to the simple, I came to understanding the basic processes of self-recovery and life processes.

The result of my practice is a happy life, the ability to have enough money and the freedom from boundaries in my perception of the world.

Do you want that result?
For me, relieving pain or emotional stress is not the end point

Sam Dolia
Make an appointment for a consultation
Right now! Time is running out...
Successful people use the best professionals
Stop putting it off and thinking it will just go away. Time is the most precious thing you have, and death comes suddenly
Have success and more reasons to be happy!
Phone: +7 (921) 437-13-01 or write at WhatsApp
Check out the following materials for self-study and work
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